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    Technical Attaché (Fiscal Affairs)

     Reference No. Government Gazette dated 3 March 2023

    General Public   

    Definite Objective Reason  

    Administrative and Managerial
    Published Date: 03/03/2023 12:00
    Closing Date: 17/03/2023 17:15
    Ministry: Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade

View File English 
View File Malti 
View File Annex A - Technical Attaché (Fiscal Affairs) 
1. The Director for Corporatate Services, Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade invites applications for the position of Technical Attaché (Fiscal Affairs) in the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade.

3.1 The Malta Salary and the Post Adjustment Allowances attached to the position of a Technical Attaché is equivalent to the maximum step of Salary Scale 7 less an increment (equivalent to €30,353.38 in 2023), with attainment of maximum of scale on confirmation of appointment after the probationary period of one (1) year or completion of one (1) year service, whichever is the later. In addition, the Technical Attaché will be granted the financial allowances and benefits provided for in the Conditions of Service for Officers Serving Overseas.

3.2 In cases where the selected candidate is already currently serving in the position of Technical Attaché at a salary scale, benefits and allowances that are higher than those established at section 3.1 above, the applicable compensation upon re-appointment in such exceptional cases shall be the higher applicable salary scale, benefits and allowances.

3.3 For the duration of the Agreement, the Technical Attaché shall abide by the 'Conditions of Service for Officers Serving Overseas' (MFA 9/2015; CONDSER June 2015 V1.1) and which may be updated from time to time.


4. The job duties for the position of Technical Attaché may be viewed in Annex A attached to this Circular.


5.1 By the closing time and date of this call for applications, applicants must be:

i.  citizens of Malta;

ii. must be proficient in the Maltese and English languages; knowledge of French is considered an asset;

iii. in possession of a recognized Masters qualification at MQF Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 90 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent)* in areas that would enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the selected area plus one (1) year relevant work experience;


in possession of a recognised Bachelor`s qualification at MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent)* in areas that would enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the selected area, plus three (3) years relevant work experience.

*A recognised Master’s qualification with a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credits is only accepted subject to an MQRIC formal Master’s recognition statement being submitted with the application. A recognised Master’s qualification from the University of Malta (awarded pre-2009) with less than 60 ECTS/ECVET credits is acceptable provided that it is verified by MQRIC that the workload is comparable to at least 60 ECTS/ECVET credits.

iv. Public Officers applying for this position must be confirmed in their current appointment, unless the current appointment is in a different class/career stream or in a definite position. Reversion to previous unconfirmed appointment is not possible.

5.2 (i) Qualifications at a level higher than that specified above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided they meet any specified subject requirements. 

(ii) Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be considered. Such candidates are to submit evidence that they have been approved for the award of the qualification in question.

(iii) Furthermore, candidates who are currently following a recognised programme of study at a higher MQF level then that required above will also be considered. Such candidates are to submit evidence that they have successfully completed the necessary ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent, and attained the required MQF level, by the closing time and date of the call for applications.

5.3 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to the post applied for. In the case of applicants who are already in the Malta Public Service, the GP 47 is to be requested by HR Unit of the ministry/department issuing the call for application from the Director responsible for HR where applicants are serving, while those applying from outside the Public Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month from the date of application and state whether they have ever been in Government Service, giving details. 

5.4 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due appointment, in terms of 5.1 to 5.3 above, not only by the closing time and date of this call for applications but also on the date of appointment.

5.5 Applicants are obliged to immediately inform the Selection Board (if result has not yet been published, in which case the application should be withdrawn by the applicant) or the HR Unit within the issuing ministry/department (if result has been published) upon any change in the status of their appointment from the date of submission of their application until the closing date, or upon being called for appointment as a result, of this call for application, as the case may be. Non-observance of this instruction may lead to disciplinary action. On its part, at the start of the interview, the Selection Board will request the candidate to declare any changes in status of his/her current appointment from the date of submission of application.

5.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities, as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for applications (see link below).

5.7 Applications from a serving Technical Attaché at the Permanent Representation of Malta to the European Union in Brussels will only be considered if he/she has served by the closing date of this call for applications a minimum of two (2) years in the current Technical Attaché position.

Ministry / Department :

Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade

Contact Persons :

Ms Ann Marie Mifsud

Address :

331, Allied House, St. Paul Street, Valletta

Telephone :

(+356) 2204 3030

Email address :

[email protected]

  • Note

  • In case of conflict in interpretation of any part/s of a call for applications, the final interpretation should be that of the published Maltese version of the call for applications.